Construction seen through women’s eyes

Not an Easy World

29 March 2021

  Construction is not an easy word to describe, as far as I am concerned, because I was raised in a family where three of my older brothers are builders. 

  I remember those days of dirty clothes that need to be washed daily, and sometimes I was thinking: “What can become beautiful from this dirty and difficult job?” The answer is that there are vital factors that are helping builders to make buildings works of art. 

  In my opinion, construction is practised in a reasonably considerable percentage by men. I consider women can improve the design of the buildings if they would be allowed to show their perspectives. Unfortunately, not so many asked, for example, in our own houses when a house is built. 

  When we speak about countries, the situation is different because some countries keep their national aspect of the buildings, such as England, where you are not allowed somehow to change the part of the buildings. Here it is about traditions. Or, if we talk about Romania, there are some cultural and traditional buildings that we cannot change. Some aspects make one country to be different from another and make it unique. However, I am talking about those characteristics where we, women and men, can improve the aspect of one building. I am giving you an example. Hospitals… it is said that hospitals should be painted in white, just to feel that all is clean. I agree with this point of view, but my concern is for children hospitals ( for ex. palliative care) where they need to be encouraged and help them be happy by paintings on the wall to make them smile. Some hospitals make this possible in some countries by allowing builders to improve children’s mood with cheerful colours and illustrations. In this case, maybe the children’s moms should be asked and consider their ideas of how a room should appear. Who else then moms know better than their children? 

  In the end, I will close with a personal example. As I started, my brothers are builders, and the older brother decided a few years ago to build his own house. What makes this house beautiful is the contribution of his wife that was asked to make a difference in the way it looks (the colours of the frames and doors, the paintings in the rooms, the design of the kitchen where she spends most of her time, etc.). I was amazed at how beautiful a building can become when a woman is asked, and together they can make this possible. 

  In conclusion, I consider that construction should be seen from a women’s perspective, and many things will appear differently! 

Author – Oana Bodogai

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