A significant part of the UK economy is based on the construction industry. The people of this sector are coming from diverse racial backgrounds. ‘White workers had the highest percentage of any ethnic group to work in construction (at 7.9%).’ (Ethnicity facts and figures, 2018). The benefits of a multicultural industry are recognised and appreciated by the entire society, increasing financial status. But, if there were no differences in treatment and others between majority and minorities, the construction industry ‘could increase organisational efficiency and effectiveness (for example, lower stress, increase retention rates) by projecting a more diverse self-image (thereby attracting applicants and customers)’ (Caplan, A. et al., 2009). 

  In this chapter, United Kingdom seems to lack empathy for ethnic minorities from the construction industry. On average, an individual from BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) background faces daily discriminatory attitudes from their peers, managers or employers that activate in construction-related workplaces. Since the ‘Equality Act of 2010’ passed, there has been visible progress towards tolerance and acceptance between members of different ethnic backgrounds. However, there is still more to be accomplished regarding the treatment that minorities can be victims of in their workplace.

  Construction is commonly seen as a harsh environment, and that is most of the time the reality. Besides the physical effort that is being requested, unfair treatment, attitude and intolerance towards a BAME individual can add even more to the harshness of the workplace environment, in most of the cases leading to mental health issues like stress, anxiety and depression.

  That is why it is essential to manage and encourage fairness and inclusion in the workplace. By instructing all operatives on the standards of equality in the work environment, here, at CIVCONS DESIGN, we expect to deliver our projects in an inclusive and non-racial stance. Racial profiling and discrimination are not to be tolerated within our workspaces or anywhere else. We frequently encourage our staff to engage in discussions and promote fairness and equality no matter the differences in physical appearances, beliefs, sex, or disabilities.

CIVCONS DESIGN rules itself based on the motto “Unity in Diversity!”


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